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Contest 82 : Leaflike / Epiphytic Cacti

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 8:14 am
by Jens
September: Leaflike /Epiphytic Cacti
The rainforest bunch of cacti.
Remember, along with each contest is a seperate thread for discussion and posting all your "other" pics, Click here

To the winner goes, A $10 gift certificate towards any purchase. (Plants, tools, Pots, labels, etc.)
NOTE: For members outside of the USA non-plant prizes can only be awarded.

for submissions will be September 20 th at 12 o´clock midnight Central Standard Time

New Format
Check here

Click for Contest Rules
Good Luck to all!!

John C and Jens


Re: Contest 82 : Leaflike / Epiphytic Cacti

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 11:33 am
by DaveW
Start you off then with Disocactus (Nopalxochia) phyllanthoides.
nopalxochia2.jpg (25.55 KiB) Viewed 13805 times

Re: Contest 82 : Leaflike / Epiphytic Cacti

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 12:52 pm
by Tony
rhipsalis crispata
rhipsalis crispata
Spring pics cont 083.JPG (43.81 KiB) Viewed 13763 times

Re: Contest 82 : Leaflike / Epiphytic Cacti

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:40 pm
by MJPapay
I post this plant because it (a pad) was collected from an epiphytic Opuntia pusilla found (by Ned Rahn) amongst the branches of a Live Oak on Hunting Island, South Carolina. The usual habitat for this species is amongst sandy clearings found on barrier islands along the Atlantic Ocean from North Carolina south to Florida, so Ned was rather intrigued, to say the least, by the cacti dangling from the branches of Live Oaks. When grown as an epiphyte in some shade the dangling pads are very elongate, but commence to grow as short pads when finding full sun.

Yes, I know this is NOT what this particular contest is about, but is all that I have to submit for epipyhtic (though not leaf-like) cacti, and so offer it for the novelty, not as an entry per se.

Re: Contest 82 : Leaflike / Epiphytic Cacti

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:23 pm
by Harriet
DSC_8535.JPG (80.15 KiB) Viewed 13692 times

Re: Contest 82 : Leaflike / Epiphytic Cacti

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 10:12 pm
by fanaticactus
Most of my epiphytes are pretty mediocre, but I just remembered this extraordinary regeneration at the last moment. After freshening the soil, treating for mealies and possible spiders and placing this 30+ year old Schlumbergera x buckleyi in deep northside shade for most of the day, I am very excited about the vigorous, lush new growth on the cactus presumed three-quarters dead. This kind of growth is happening the length of all the stems.
IMG_1678.JPG (91.29 KiB) Viewed 13647 times

Re: Contest 82 : Leaflike / Epiphytic Cacti

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 11:20 pm
by K.W.
Dear cacti friends,

this is Pereskia grandifolia, genus Pereskia, belongs to the family of Cactaceae.
OK, it's not a Epiphylum. But it has leaves, and thorns, and flowers! This photo is from last year.


