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Cylindropuntia x viridiflora

Common Name(s):
Synonym(s): Opuntia viridiflora
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Subfamily: Opuntioideae
Distribution: New Mexico - United States (North America)
Habit: Shrubby
Flower: Green, Orange, Red, YellowEncounterability: Rare
Species Notes: Natural hybrid of C. imbricata and C. whipplei
Original Description: The Cactaceae 1 p.55 - Britton & Rose (1920)
A low, round, bushy plant 30 to 60 cm high; terminal joints 5 to 7 cm long, 1.5 to 2 cm thick, often quite fragile; tubercles prominent, flattened from the sides; areoles circular, filled with short, yellow or dull-gray wood; spines 5 to 7, somewhat spreading, the longest ones 2 cm long, dark brown in color; glochids numerous, very short, yellow; flowers at tips of branches in clusters of 3 to 8, 3.5 to 4.5 cm long (including ovary), "green tinged with red"; fruit strongly tuberculate, except for a few long deciduous bristles, with a deep umbilicus; seeds smooth, white 3 mm broad.
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Cylindropuntia x viridiflora
C. x viridiflora
Picture taken at: Habitat near Santa Fe, New Mexico

Photographer: Peter Breslin
Cylindropuntia x viridiflora
C. x viridiflora
Picture taken at: Habitat near Santa Fe, New Mexico

Photographer: Peter Breslin
Cylindropuntia x viridiflora
C. x viridiflora
Picture taken at: Habitat near Santa Fe, New Mexico

Photographer: Peter Breslin

*Currently 42 of 42 known species are represented on

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