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Echinocereus scopulorum

Common Name(s):
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Subfamily: Cactoideae
Tribe: Pachycereeae
Distribution: Sonora - Mexico (North America)
Habit: Cylindrical
Flower: Pink, RedEncounterability: Unusual in Collections
Original Description: The Cactaceae 3 p.30 - Britton & Rose (1920)
Stems single, cylindric, 10 to 40 cm long, nearly hidden by the closely set spines; ribs 13 or more, low, somewhat tuberculate; areoles circular, devoid of wool (at least in areoles of the previous year); spines highly colored, pinkish or brownish with blackish tips, in age, however, gray and stouter; radials somewhat spreading; centrals 3 to 6, similar to the radials; flower-buds or some of them appearing near the top of the plant, developing very slowly; flowers with a delicate rose perfume, widely spreading when fully expanded, 9 cm broad; tube 2 cm long, broadly funnelform, bearing greenish tubercles; inner perianth-segments 4 cm long, rose or purplish rose in color, much paler on the outside, sometimes nearly white, rather loose and usually only in about 2 rows, oblanceolate to spatulate, erosely dentate, acute; stamens greenish; style-stout, much longer than the stamens; stigma-lobes linear, 12.
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Echinocereus scopulorum
E. scopulorum
Picture taken at: Tim Vaughan's Private Collection

Photographer: Tim Vaughan
Echinocereus scopulorum
E. scopulorum
Picture taken at: Private Collection

Photographer: Joel Lode

Photographer's Website: Click Here
Echinocereus scopulorum
E. scopulorum
Picture taken at: Southwest of Caborca, Sonora, Mexico

Photographer: Peter Breslin

*Currently 61 of 61 known species are represented on

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