2 Succulent ID and Car Info

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2 Succulent ID and Car Info

Post by Samee »

Hi guys, my bro brought me a few gifts. Im really excited about them but I want to make sure to keep them healthy. Im in zone 5 and I know they are for warmer climates. Id like to know the name so I can research about them. Ones an airplant. I can put them on my window cill, under T8s or in no light.

So one of the plant is senecio stapeliiformis kilimanjaro. I would like to know if I need to put it in shade, window cill or under my t8s? It also needs to be repotted. Whens a good time to repot and how often should I water it after potting and during winter. During summer it will be outdoors so I can water it once a week.

The air plant, I think, is BULBOSA. Should I put it under T8s? Window cill? I mist it everyday, should I put it in a glass bowl with water so it stays moist? Humidity is low here.

The plant in the 2nd pic is not known to me. What is its name? If you need better pics, I can take more.
senecio stapeliiformis kilimanjaro
senecio stapeliiformis kilimanjaro
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