Free seeds / seed swap

CactiGuide Members' Seed Trading List
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Re: Free seeds / seed swap

Post by wiley1983 »

i am interested in your pediocactus seeds. I am also looking for astro. capricorn, and any type of adenium seeds and any type of epithelantha seeds, thank you very much - frank wiley
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Re: Free seeds / seed swap

Post by Aiko »

More fresh offerings, so I have added fresh seeds of Pseudolithos and Anacampseros to the list.

I have the following species available for free:
- Adenium arabicum
- Anacampseros arachnoides
- Anacampseros arachnoideum
- Anacampseros retusa
- Anacampseros vanthielii
- Ariocarpus fissuratus
- Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus var. albiflorus
- Astrophytum hybrid (A. myriostigma x A. ornatum) (not much to offer)
- Astrophytum ornatum
- Avonia herrerae
- Carnegiea gigantea (just one portion left)
- Dorstenia crispa
- Echinocereus boyce-thompsonii
- Echinocereus engelmannii
- Echinocereus fendleri
- Echinopsis huascha
- Echinopsis hybrids
- Epithelantha bokei
- Epithelantha micromeris
- Ferocactus cylindraceus
- Ferocactus pilosus
- Ferocactus wislizeni
- Grahamia palmeri (synonym: Grahamia coahuilensis)
- Hereroa carinans
- Hereroa sp. (SH s.n., Salpeterkop, near Sutherland)
- Lithops sp. mix
- Lophophora sp. mix
- Mammillaria mazatlanensis
- Mestoklema tuberosum var. macrorrhizum (not much to offer)
- Neobuxbaumia polylopha
- Notocactus magnificus (synonym: Parodia magnifica)
- Oreocereus celsianus
- Pleiospilos compactus subsp. canus
- Pleiospilos willowmorensis
- Rhombophyllum dolabriforme (W. of Sandvlakte)
- Rhombophyllum nelii
- Strombocactus disciformis
- Tecticornia verrucosa (Australian succulent)
- Thelocactus setispinus (synonym: Hamatocactus setispinus)
- Thelocactus rinconensis
- Turbinicarpus pseudopectinatus (not much to offer)
- Turbinicarpus valdezianus var. albiflorus
- Turbinicarpus valdezianus var. valdezianus
- Wigginsia sessiliflora var. macrocanthus (synonym: Pariodia sellowii)

And I have these available for swapping only:
- Haworthia springbokvlakensis (just one portion left)
- Pseudolithos migiurtinus
- Welwitschia mirabilis

All seeds on offer are free, unless the few species that are 'swapping only'. Freshly harvested, some from spring 2013 onwards but most during 2014.

I can send seeds all around the world (if your country needs a customs declaration that's not a problem, e.g. Australia). The free seeds are available for the cost of just one (international) stamp. Reimbursement of postage via paypal, please. Reimbursement will be 1.50 euro for worldwide delivery. That's around 1.25 GBP / 2.05 USD. This already includes the paypal charges.

Or instead of reimbursing you can swap seeds / seedlings / cuttings, as swapping instead of reimbursing me has my preference. I like swapping (and also to receive mail from far away places)! I am mostly interested in African succulents (e.g. mesembs, caudiciforms) or in some carnivorous plants.
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Re: Free seeds / seed swap

Post by Aiko »

I am out of seeds of Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus var. albiflorus and the Lophophora. But added a Gymnocalycium and a few Anacampseros.

I have the following species available for free:
- Adenium arabicum
- Anacampseros arachnoides
- Anacampseros arachnoideum
- Anacampseros namaquensis
- Anacampseros retusa
- Anacampseros rufescens
- Anacampseros vanthielii
- Ariocarpus fissuratus
- Astrophytum hybrid (A. myriostigma x A. ornatum) (not much to offer)
- Astrophytum ornatum
- Avonia herrerae
- Carnegiea gigantea (just one portion left)
- Echinocereus boyce-thompsonii
- Echinocereus engelmannii
- Echinocereus fendleri
- Echinopsis huascha
- Echinopsis hybrids
- Epithelantha micromeris
- Ferocactus cylindraceus
- Ferocactus pilosus
- Ferocactus wislizeni
- Grahamia palmeri (synonym: Grahamia coahuilensis)
- Gymnocalycium monvillei (just one portion left)
- Hereroa carinans
- Hereroa sp. (SH s.n., Salpeterkop, near Sutherland)
- Lithops sp. mix
- Mammillaria mazatlanensis
- Mestoklema tuberosum var. macrorrhizum (not much to offer)
- Neobuxbaumia polylopha
- Notocactus magnificus (synonym: Parodia magnifica)
- Oreocereus celsianus
- Pleiospilos compactus subsp. canus
- Pleiospilos willowmorensis
- Rhombophyllum dolabriforme (W. of Sandvlakte)
- Rhombophyllum nelii
- Strombocactus disciformis
- Tecticornia verrucosa (Australian succulent)
- Thelocactus setispinus (synonym: Hamatocactus setispinus)
- Thelocactus rinconensis
- Turbinicarpus valdezianus var. albiflorus
- Turbinicarpus valdezianus var. valdezianus (just one portion left)
- Wigginsia sessiliflora var. macrocanthus (synonym: Pariodia sellowii)

And I have these available for swapping only:
- Dorstenia crispa
- Haworthia maughanii x Haworthia magnifica var. splendens (only two seeds...)
- Haworthia springbokvlakensis (just one portion left)
- Pseudolithos migiurtinus
- Welwitschia mirabilis (just one portion left)

All seeds on offer are free, unless the few species that are 'swapping only'. Freshly harvested, some from spring 2013 onwards but most during 2014.

I can send seeds all around the world (if your country needs a customs declaration that's not a problem, e.g. Australia). The free seeds are available for the cost of just one (international) stamp. Reimbursement of postage via paypal, please. Reimbursement will be 1.50 euro for worldwide delivery. That's around 1.25 GBP / 2.05 USD. This already includes the paypal charges.

Or instead of reimbursing you can swap seeds / seedlings / cuttings, as swapping instead of reimbursing me has my preference. I like swapping (and also to receive mail from far away places)! I am mostly interested in African succulents (e.g. mesembs, caudiciforms) or in some carnivorous plants.
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Re: Free seeds / seed swap

Post by KittieKAT »

I run a non profit program for under privileged kids in poverty stricken area's around my town, everything is by Donation only, but paying shipping might be okay if i have it, we're not suppose to buy stuff just have unneeded or over flow donated to the program, shhhhhhh!
I would want lithop or any other mesemb type seeds you have

And if you would like to donate anything to the cause personally without receiving shipping costs i would be more then happy to take a pic/send u a hand written letter/drawing from the children who receive the seeds you sent after they sow them!

If interested please pm ME, thanks
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Re: Free seeds / seed swap

Post by Aiko »

I am out of seeds of Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus var. albiflorus and Turbinicarpus valdezianus var. valdezianus.
But added: Anacampseros albiflora, Bowieae volubilis, Braunsia maximiliani and Cheiridopsis umbrosa.

I have the following species available for free:
- Adenium arabicum
- Anacampseros albiflora
- Anacampseros arachnoides + Anacampseros sp. aff. crinita mix (I mixed the two batches of seeds up by accident... The seeds are alike but the plants are distinctive, so you will recognise the difference when they get bigger)
- Anacampseros arachnoideum
- Anacampseros namaquensis
- Anacampseros retusa
- Anacampseros rufescens
- Anacampseros vanthielii
- Ariocarpus fissuratus
- Astrophytum hybrid (A. myriostigma x A. ornatum) (not much to offer)
- Astrophytum ornatum
- Avonia herrerae
- Avonia ruschii (from Gamoep, South-Africa) (just one portion left)
- Bowiea volubilis
- Braunsia maximiliani (SB654, has very nice purple and green leave markings)
- Carnegiea gigantea (just one portion left)
- Cheiridopsis umbrosa (E. of Springbok)
- Echinocereus boyce-thompsonii
- Echinocereus engelmannii
- Echinocereus fendleri
- Echinopsis huascha
- Echinopsis hybrids
- Epithelantha micromeris
- Ferocactus cylindraceus
- Ferocactus pilosus
- Ferocactus wislizeni
- Grahamia palmeri (synonym: Grahamia coahuilensis)
- Gymnocalycium monvillei (just one portion left)
- Hereroa carinans
- Hereroa sp. (SH s.n., Salpeterkop, near Sutherland)
- Lithops sp. mix
- Mammillaria mazatlanensis
- Mestoklema tuberosum var. macrorrhizum (not much to offer)
- Neobuxbaumia polylopha
- Notocactus magnificus (synonym: Parodia magnifica)
- Oreocereus celsianus
- Pleiospilos compactus subsp. canus
- Pleiospilos willowmorensis
- Rhombophyllum dolabriforme (W. of Sandvlakte)
- Rhombophyllum nelii
- Strombocactus disciformis
- Tecticornia verrucosa (Australian succulent)
- Thelocactus setispinus (synonym: Hamatocactus setispinus)
- Thelocactus rinconensis
- Turbinicarpus valdezianus var. albiflorus
- Wigginsia sessiliflora var. macrocanthus (synonym: Pariodia sellowii)

And I have these available for swapping only:
- Dorstenia crispa
- Haworthia maughanii x Haworthia magnifica var. splendens (only two seeds...)
- Haworthia springbokvlakensis (just one portion left)
- Pseudolithos migiurtinus
- Welwitschia mirabilis (just one portion left)

All seeds on offer are free, unless the few species that are 'swapping only'. Freshly harvested, some from spring 2013 onwards but most during 2014.

I can send seeds all around the world (if your country needs a customs declaration that's not a problem, e.g. for Australia). The free seeds are available for the cost of just one (international) stamp. Reimbursement of postage via paypal, please. Reimbursement will be 1.05 euro for worldwide delivery. That's around 0.85GBP / 1.30 USD. Previously I stated it would costs 1.05 euro including paypal charges. But I only recently noticed you can also transfer money as a gift to friends and family. The paypal charges will then be payed on the sending side in stead of by me on the receiving end, which will be much lower than the 0.45 euro (maybe even 0 euro, I think?). Sorry for everyone who had to pay a bit more previously.

Or instead of reimbursing you can swap seeds / seedlings / cuttings, as swapping instead of reimbursing me has my preference. I like swapping (and also to receive mail from far away places)! I am mostly interested in African succulents (e.g. mesembs, caudiciforms) or in some carnivorous plants.
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Re: Free seeds / seed swap

Post by KittieKAT »

Do u have any turbinicarpus seeds still available for free? I can't seem to find the ones i want as plants or seeds to the us that i can afford right now, if not no biggie I'll try again :)
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Re: Free seeds / seed swap

Post by Aiko »

I only have Turbinicarpus valdezianus var. albiflorus left.
Strange you cannot find a local source. They should easily be available.
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Re: Free seeds / seed swap

Post by KittieKAT »

Its so weird that when i do find some their expensive for me at the moment, kinds broke with moving and the program for kids and all...
And the site I've used for cheap cheap seeds only sells turbinicarpus to the EU..for some weird weird reason (??)
Aww ithought i you still had they other :( but it was a older post .. thanks Thoe hunnie :)
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Re: Free seeds / seed swap

Post by Aiko »

I should have fresh Turbinicarpus seeds again in next April. I will update the list then.
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Re: Free seeds / seed swap

Post by Aiko »

I am out of seeds of Thelocactus setispinus, Mestoklema tuberosum var. macrorrhizum and Lithops.

I have the following species available for free:
- Adenium arabicum
- Anacampseros arachnoides + Anacampseros sp. aff. crinita mix (I mixed the two batches of seeds up by accident... The seeds are alike but the plants are distinctive, so you will recognise the difference when they get bigger)
- Anacampseros arachnoideum
- Anacampseros retusa
- Anacampseros rufescens
- Anacampseros vanthielii
- Astrophytum hybrid (A. myriostigma x A. ornatum) (not much to offer)
- Astrophytum ornatum
- Bowiea volubilis
- Braunsia maximiliani (SB654, has very nice purple and green leave markings)
- Carnegiea gigantea (just one portion left)
- Cheiridopsis umbrosa (E. of Springbok)
- Echinocereus boyce-thompsonii
- Echinocereus engelmannii
- Echinocereus fendleri (just one portion left)
- Echinopsis huascha
- Echinopsis hybrids
- Epithelantha micromeris
- Ferocactus cylindraceus
- Ferocactus wislizeni
- Grahamia palmeri (synonym: Grahamia coahuilensis)
- Gymnocalycium monvillei (just one portion left)
- Hereroa carinans
- Hereroa sp. (SH s.n., Salpeterkop, near Sutherland)
- Mammillaria mazatlanensis
- Neobuxbaumia polylopha
- Notocactus magnificus (synonym: Parodia magnifica)
- Oreocereus celsianus
- Pleiospilos compactus subsp. canus
- Pleiospilos willowmorensis
- Rhombophyllum dolabriforme (W. of Sandvlakte)
- Rhombophyllum nelii
- Thelocactus rinconensis
- Turbinicarpus valdezianus var. albiflorus (one portion left)
- Wigginsia sessiliflora var. macrocanthus (synonym: Pariodia sellowii)

And I have these available for swapping only:
- Ariocarpus fissuratus
- Dorstenia crispa
- Haworthia maughanii x Haworthia magnifica var. splendens (only two seeds...)
- Haworthia springbokvlakensis (just one portion left)
- Pseudolithos migiurtinus
- Tecticornia verrucosa (Australian succulent)
- Welwitschia mirabilis (just one portion left)

All seeds on offer are free, unless the few species that are 'swapping only'. Freshly harvested, some from spring 2013 onwards but most during 2014.

I can send seeds all around the world (if your country needs a customs CN22 declaration that's not a problem, e.g. for Australia). The free seeds are available for the cost of just one (international) stamp.

Reimbursement of postage via paypal, please (please send the money as 'gift', so paypal charges will be paid on your side. This will be cheaper than paying for 'services'). Reimbursement will be 1.05 euro for worldwide delivery. That's around 0.85 GBP / 1.30 USD. If I can keep the envelope below 20 grams (in most cases). Occasionally the envelope will be heavier, doubling the postage costs, unfortunately.

Or instead of reimbursing you can swap seeds / seedlings / cuttings, as swapping instead of reimbursing me has my preference. I like swapping (and also to receive mail from far away places)! I am mostly interested in African succulents, e.g. mesembs, caudiciforms, Adromischus, or in some carnivorous plants.
Last edited by Aiko on Sat Dec 06, 2014 5:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Free seeds / seed swap

Post by AaronR »

Hi Aiko :-)

New grower here, I would love to grow out a few varieties of your seeds if your offer is still open. I am brand new to the hobby so I don't really have anything to trade (other than hot pepper seeds if you like).

Let me know and I'll shoot you a PM,

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Re: Free seeds / seed swap

Post by KittieKAT »

I can't believe i didn't notice you had lithops mixed seeds last time i replied. ](*,) #-o
Ooh well, i snooze i loose
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Re: Free seeds / seed swap

Post by Aiko »

KittieKAT wrote:I can't believe i didn't notice you had lithops mixed seeds last time i replied. ](*,) #-o
Ooh well, i snooze i loose
Sorry. But I didn't had much. And Lithops is easily available elsewhere, so far from an oddity. So I am sure you will be able to find it elsewhere too.
AaronR wrote: Let me know and I'll shoot you a PM,
Please do.
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Re: Free seeds / seed swap

Post by KittieKAT »

I kno that, but i like to get lithops film.different places because pple and places tend to have diff lithops types amongst there collections :) and you've seen my luck with getting lithop seeds....every pack FAKE
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Re: Free seeds / seed swap

Post by AaronR »

Hey Aiko! I ended up getting a little excited and ordered a bunch of seeds so as of right now I will be up to my ears in the small space that I have-- perhaps we can trade another time though!
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