What the Hell is Happening to US?

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What the Hell is Happening to US?

Post by mikethecactusguy »

What is happening to the human population in the United States.
I'm here in Los Angels and I can not believe all the looting that is taking placed in my city. Mobs of people just breaking into stores in Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, now in Santa Monica. Text messages going out from people rounding up friends to come help loot stores. Texting friends as to where to hide from police and where they are not so you can break in a steal??
What is happening to my country??
It so disgusting ,sad, and scarey
Mike The Cactus Guy
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Re: What the Hell is Happening to US?

Post by greenknight »

That's the question I ask when I hear about cops killing people without justification, and getting away with it. Peaceful protests haven't done anything to stop that, so the riots are no surprise at all.

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Re: What the Hell is Happening to US?

Post by samhain »

there are so many massive divides in this country. This isn’t the tipping point, but a little spillover.
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Re: What the Hell is Happening to US?

Post by DaveW »

The biggest check on police forces and also looters all around the world is now the mobile phone and CCTV cameras. In the past it was one persons word against another. Now somebody in the crowd almost always has a phone picture of the event, or even a video and it will be on TV within an hour. Also the authorities or courts later going through CCTV camera footage in the area will often reveal the truth. That is why even in the past the law enforcement authorities were not too keen on cameramen filming them.

At least the UK police don't normally carry guns, therefore nobody can get shot by mistake unless armed officers are specially called in and if their guns are used there has to be an independent investigation. Also in Britain it is illegal for citizens to carry hand guns or concealed firearms, therefore police are not so trigger happy in assuming guns are being carried by citizens.

We did have similar protests in the UK but mostly peaceful and not many arrested plus some of those were for not maintaining Social Distancing due to the Coronavirus.


However in the past we too have had cases of looting by those using legitimate protests as a cover to do it. You will always get a criminal element who will take any opportunity to steal but they are not usually the majority of peaceful protestors. You also get counter protestors too who think people should not have the right to peacefully protest on any subject.
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Re: What the Hell is Happening to US?

Post by keith »

Looks like class warfare to me. "Eat the rich " hunger games, purge , kids grow up on this and act it out. Stay safe
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Re: What the Hell is Happening to US?

Post by hegar »

I am also following the news. To me too it is very disturbing to see people looting (stealing) and setting other people's businesses on fire. That kind of behavior cannot be excused and I consider it criminal. I also do not get, why our El Paso police is being attacked by some hoodlums. What do they have to do with a few police misfits which caused a murder a thousand miles away?
Well, perhaps somebody can explain this to me. I am just an old dude. What do I know? :?

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Re: What the Hell is Happening to US?

Post by DaveW »

They are not just protesting in EL Paso about something that occurred miles away, but in most Western countries too Hegar.

The problem is now after condemning mainland China for going in heavy handed in Hong Kong where there were peaceful protesters mixed with the criminal looting element, President Trump is now suggesting overruling the local State Governors, the equivalent of the Hong Kong local administrators and going in "mob handed" with the military in what should be a local policing problem, just as mainland China was accused of threatening to do by the USA and NATO countries..

It is always a problem in separating out the destructive criminal element from peaceful protestors that are the cornerstone of our democracies. The problem was one bad policeman destroyed the confidence in the police to impartially police the situation themselves.

That is not just a criticism of America, since all Western countries in their time have had rogue policemen who for a time destroyed the publics confidence in the polices impartiality to police in a fair manner. The only remedy is to ensure any law enforcer who breaches the rules is removed from the force and if they have broken the law sent for trial and all police officers know that means them should they overstep the mark.

However property has to be protected and an effort needs to be made to capture and prosecute any looters. I don't know about America but in the UK almost every shop has CCTV cameras inside and often outside which can be used to recognise any looting criminals known to the authorities and prosecute them.

Some in Britain now claim with universal CCTV "Big Brother" is now watching every shopping and business centre in the country. First thing the police now do if there is an incident is to see if any shop or business premises caught it in on their CCTV. Also merely having a mobile (Cell) phone now often pinpoints where you are and where you have been.



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Re: What the Hell is Happening to US?

Post by Sarraceniacrazy »

No justice. No peace. Its not just a few "bad apples". We've watched this play out over and over again like some sick, psychopathic loop. You have people more concerned about stuff than innocent people continually dying at the hands of the people that are there to protect us. Everyone and i mean everyone is going to have to admit that theres a problem before a solution to that problem can be found. Until then...welcome to The "United" States.
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Re: What the Hell is Happening to US?

Post by cactushobbyman »

I see it as, we reap what we sow. I remember the Watts riots in California. In California you can steal up to $1000.00 and just get a ticket. Jail starts to get crowded, you get released. You hear on the news a person getting arrested again for stealing autos numerous times in a week, but gets released because of ZERO bail. All, All, of these are because the state voted in these laws. What do you expect. Yes, that policeman did wrong, but 18 times having complaints against him? What does that say? At work if I get a complaint against me, I'm put on Admin leave until the issue is resolved. Stealing is stealing, and an assault is an assault, no matter whom is doing the act. And if I protect my business and or property and that person who is damaging my property gets hurts by me or by the act of doing the damage, the result is; I will be held accountable. With these current laws, what do you expect? We are now reaping what we sowed. If you voted for or even agree with these types of current laws, just look into the mirror and now you will know why this is happening. An old sayings that should be applied for today's society, "Spare the rod and spoil the child."
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Re: What the Hell is Happening to US?

Post by Steve-0 »

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Re: What the Hell is Happening to US?

Post by keith »

https://www.yahoo.com/news/trapped-long ... 50046.html

This is pretty wild . Now I hear protests in my town today how fun.
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Re: What the Hell is Happening to US?

Post by Steve-0 »

We had a 2 day curfew last weekend ....now?....the entire week for Salt Lake City ....guess where I work?
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Re: What the Hell is Happening to US?

Post by prickle »

theclosetguy wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 10:50 pm What is happening to the human population in the United States.
I'm here in Los Angels and I can not believe all the looting that is taking placed in my city. Mobs of people just breaking into stores in Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, now in Santa Monica. Text messages going out from people rounding up friends to come help loot stores. Texting friends as to where to hide from police and where they are not so you can break in a steal??
What is happening to my country??
It so disgusting ,sad, and scarey
it is a reaction to the police killing innocent civilians all the time. people have had enough of it. its tough to see shops being looted, but its even tougher to see innocent civilians being murdered by the people you are supposed to turn to when in times of need.
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Re: What the Hell is Happening to US?

Post by prickle »

DaveW wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:27 pm The biggest check on police forces and also looters all around the world is now the mobile phone and CCTV cameras. In the past it was one persons word against another. Now somebody in the crowd almost always has a phone picture of the event, or even a video and it will be on TV within an hour. Also the authorities or courts later going through CCTV camera footage in the area will often reveal the truth. That is why even in the past the law enforcement authorities were not too keen on cameramen filming them.

At least the UK police don't normally carry guns, therefore nobody can get shot by mistake unless armed officers are specially called in and if their guns are used there has to be an independent investigation. Also in Britain it is illegal for citizens to carry hand guns or concealed firearms, therefore police are not so trigger happy in assuming guns are being carried by citizens.

We did have similar protests in the UK but mostly peaceful and not many arrested plus some of those were for not maintaining Social Distancing due to the Coronavirus.


However in the past we too have had cases of looting by those using legitimate protests as a cover to do it. You will always get a criminal element who will take any opportunity to steal but they are not usually the majority of peaceful protestors. You also get counter protestors too who think people should not have the right to peacefully protest on any subject.
police in the UK are much better at their job too. they do not have the mindset that US police have. that is not all of them, but the general mentality vs the mentality of US police.
here they are more likely to take passive measures and de-escalate a situation, but in US they are more likely to shoot first and ask questions later.

i feel for our brothers and sisters in USA right now :( i wish i could stand by their side.

this thread is probably not a good place for me to hang out :) this is a cacti forum and i am new. i like it here, i shouldnt get myself banned over politics hahah
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Re: What the Hell is Happening to US?

Post by DaveW »

Britain has had race riots too we should not forget that and complaints about police partiality in stop and search Prickle. However I went abroad for holiday to another EU country and a person who lived there said don't argue with the police here, just do what they say. You can argue with the British police and get away with it since they will just tell you to move on. They also don't carry guns being one of the few law enforcement services in the world that don't routinely do so. But then as said before we don't have many UK citizens carrying guns either, however knife crime has become a big problem with youngsters, usually drug related in the UK. Both drugs and youths carrying knives were virtually unknown in my youth in the 1950's, but evidently came in later from the Caribbean to the UK.


Most policemen are law abiding, as are most citizens, and our police are not usually over officious. Trying to diffuse a situation rather than aggravate it. However as with all walks of life you get some policemen with chips on their shoulders and scores to settle and the only way to remedy this is for their own force to wheedle them out and get rid of them. If not the Police loose the publics good will. Also courts must prosecute the guilty, both Police and Looters, and not just turn them loose again or the public looses confidence in the law.

In Britain the military state they never want to get involved in what they consider policing matters such as law and order. Usually if the military are used in the UK it is for citizens help like flood and disaster relief, never for straight forward policing duties. However I suppose in extreme cases they would be. The only instance I can remember of the military being brought in was the SAS for the Iranian Embassy siege and even then technically the police chiefs were in charge not the military.
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