Chloride AZ

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Chloride AZ

Post by leland »

Chloride is an old mining town just north of Kingman AZ with some tourist attractions. At about 4000 ft. elevation with the approximately 7000 ft. Cerbat Mountains behind it, it supports some of the higher elevation cacti and succulents. Mostly a land of cholla and Englemann opuntia, I was also happy to find O. erinacea, Echinocereus sp., and Cylindropuntia whipplei. Even the humble brown-spined opuntia was interesting because it was in bloom.
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Re: Chloride AZ

Post by jerrytheplater »

Nice. You are seeing more of the US than I have. Good for you.
Jerry Smith
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Re: Chloride AZ

Post by mmcavall »

Very beautiful. Thanks for sharing it.
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Re: Chloride AZ

Post by Aeonium2003 »

:) Very nice pictures. Thank you for sharing.
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Re: Chloride AZ

Post by A_G_R »

Very nice!
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Re: Chloride AZ

Post by 7george »

Even the humble brown-spined opuntia was interesting because it was in bloom.
I think this might be Opuntia phaeacantha, it is wide spread in SW of US.

Chloride is very picturesque place, now doubt. I have been there once too.

They grow cacti and succulents in the streets and yards...

Even managed to pot that hedgehog maybe from the desert.
Looks like E. triglochiadatus.
If your cacti mess in your job just forget about the job.
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Re: Chloride AZ

Post by greenknight »

"They grow cacti and succulents in the streets and yards... "

It might be something like the way most older houses around here have sword ferns in their landscapes - some of them are planted, but a lot are volunteers.
Spence :mrgreen:
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