Cause of stretching

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Cause of stretching

Post by kestrel »

So, I got a baby graptopetalum (I think) from a friend, and despite my best efforts, it keeps stretching out. I cut the stem once, removed the lower leaves and planted it with only the top emerging, but it just stretched right back up. The leaves on the lower part of the stem aren't falling off either, they're just really spaced apart.

I know the main cause of etiolation is lack of light, but this one is under a growth lamp at full power, open for at least 12 hours a day, and I even lifted it so it's *really close* to the lamp. All my other succulents are satisfied, and the graptopetalum even have a slightly purple coloration which usually means it's got enough light.

My question is: are there other possible causes to stretching? Ways to prevent it? Is there something I forgot?

Thanks for reading!
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Re: Cause of stretching

Post by Minnesota »


It will be interesting to see the forum's responses to your issue. A few additional details would be really helpful--soil type, watering schedule, fertilizers, environment (dry, moist, terrarium, and so on). Anything that might impact the cultivation and growth.

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Re: Cause of stretching

Post by greenknight »

I think it's Graptopetalum paraguayense, commonly called Ghost Plant. This is its normal growth pattern, starts as a rosette, then the stems elongate, becomes spreading, creeping. Good plant for hanging baskets.
Spence :mrgreen:
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