I think I have mealybug . . .

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I think I have mealybug . . .

Post by readymade »

I have a succulent dish garden with one of those trailing succulents that has leaves like little footballs. I noticed nothing when I rotated it a few days ago, but now it feels like it's been covered in maple syrup. Most of it is really sticky, and there are TINY blobs of white, like marshmallow cream, on some leaves and stems. I can't see any actual bugs, just pure white fluff and lots of sticky. It seems to have spread only minimally to the other plants--it doesn't seem to like the gasteria.

Can I just soak it with soapy water, or do I need insecticide? It's so dang sticky, I want to take it outside and hose it down!

I should add that otherwise, everything looks healthy. It doesn't seem to have had a negative effect on any of the plants so far.
Buck Hemenway
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Post by Buck Hemenway »

It sounds like mealy bug to me. You can use the dish detergent method. If it were me (and it has been) I would be on the way to my local nursery to get the strongest stuff they have that kills mealies. Sevin works pretty well. The only commercially available bug killer that you need to be careful with is Malathion. Even the rose food with insecticide works well as a systemic.

You'll need more than one aplication as the bugs have been laying eggs and they will continue to hatch.

Next. KILL THE ANTS. They are there farming the mealie bugs.
Buck Hemenway
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Post by templegatejohn »

You will not usually see the bug itself. That is in the middle of the white cotton wool like substance. A systemic insecticide will do the trick, or if there are not too many, methylated spirits dabbed on them with a matchstalk will kill them and remove the white substance at the same time.

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Post by readymade »

Thanks for the info. I don't have any ants, though. But dang, those leaves are sticky.
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Post by readymade »

OK, I brought it home and treated it. First I used the pressure sprayer and hosed it down. Didn't seem to hurt it at all (didn't lose a single leaf that I can tell), and it cleaned all the sticky off, along with most of the white stuff. Then I got some spray Sevin and spritzed it a little, focusing on the areas that had the white stuff but giving everything a light going over.

It looks pretty good, and no ill effects so far that I can tell. I also hosed down the pot and tray to loosen any critters hanging on there.
Buck Hemenway
Posts: 2798
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Location: Riverside, Ca USA

Post by Buck Hemenway »

Good news on the treatment. Give it the Sevin treatment again in 6 days and then in 6 days after. The little lovelies are laying eggs. Three treatments should do it.
Buck Hemenway
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