Lophophora illegalities.

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Lophophora illegalities.

Post by mikayak »

Howdy Yuma,

I'll start this off with a poor photo of my Loph seedlings. I can't do close-ups - and these puppies are only 1-2 weeks young and, of course, look like little green dots. But, hey, it's a start. And, in another 20 years, they'll be as big as the one I killed last year that I had had since '77 (sigh)



I would disagree that The "War on Some Drugs" is a war on state of mind. I believe that is a "part" of the purpose...but I also think that is giving governments WAAAY to much credit. It is mostly just another way to grab power (like this subject is not allowed), control & money. Our constitution gives NO authority to the Feds to regulate ANY drug or substance. Period.

And, if they can tell you what you can't put in your body, then, it logically follows that the individual has ceded their rights to their own body!!! And, once we're in THAT mode, not only can the government regulate what you can't put in your body - they can tell you what you MUST put in your body.

I'm rather libertarian in my views.

I also have the same problem with my moths - yes moths. I raise LOTS of moths - and of course, once again, herei n the land of the free, I am not allowed to imports ANY moth from overseas. In fact, it is technically illegal for me to travel across state lines with a moth or cocoon - even though the species is found commonly in both states concerned. This is not about controlling state of mind - it is morelike "mindless control".

At some point, congress illegaly imbued some pinhead with power. And, since they were powerless in the rest of their life, they figure they can run everybody elses. Just another power grab and an effort to make EVERYONE guilty of some crime or another - so they cower in fear when the SWAT team kicks in their neighbors door - rather than banding together to take out the real threat - the SWAT team.

And, just like with this subject is not allowed, propaganda goes a LONG, LONG way in shaping weak peoples opinions. It's alot easier to "believe the authorities" than it is to do the actual research and think for oneself.

And, frankly, I am WAY suprised that you would be against the W.O.S.D. (War on Some Drugs) while at the same time supporting the "War on Man-made this subject is not allowed" - when neither has anything to do with facts and the purpose of both is the same - to grab power, control and money.

So, like my moths - that I import anyway, I have also started a mixed batch of Lophs from seed and hope to begin grafting them soon. Not for "human consumtion" in ANY way. I have no desire for a Mescaline state of mind - but I sure do like the plants! And, it is just one of my small acts of civil disobedience.

Feds will probably show up at my door tonite, sieze my tray containing 40, 2-week old seedlings - and announce to the media that they have seized 2 lbs of Peyote (1lb, 15.9 oz of dirt - .1 oz of plant). But, that's what happens when you let government have power - of any type.

I'm SURE I'll hear from you! :!: :!: :!:
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Post by YumAz »

There are others that have done much more research into the matter. If people are interested in the topic they should read C.A. Fitts 3 part series.


and since you're 'rather libertarian' in your views. I'll include this.
"Just Say Know"
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Post by mikayak »

I was reading the links and it took all the way to the second link to get to the standard "George Bush is Evil" rant. Man, get over it.

George ain't my favorite president - but he's also not the source of all evil in the world. And, if you think CLinton or Gore would be any better - you are fooling yourself. They are ALL hypocrites and crooked.

And, Gore lost in 2000. Period. The election wasn't stolen (unlike the Kennedy/Nixon one was).

Sure, big money rules the world. Always has, always will. Biggest, meanest lion gets the babes.

It's not "mans" fault. It is nature. And, until you achieve "Godhood" - you ain't gonna change it.

The trouble with alot of folks is that they look around and think "this is unfair". Big deal. of COURSE it's unfair. It's always been unfair and it will always be unfair.

We don't write the rules in this universe. Whether you believe in God or Gaia or nothing - we are still constrained by the rules of the universe - and the universe in inherently unfair.

You can be angry and fight it everyday for one million generations - and you still won't change the rules of logic, math, physics - or "the unfairness doctrine" - all you will do is be constantly angry and miserable.

And, don't feel guilty because you are in the top few percentile points of "quality of life" in the world. That is also not your fault. "Some gits, Some don't".

And, at least <b>in this country</b>, one can move their position upwards on the QOL index - with alot of hard work, ingenuity, and a little luck.

So, of course, rich, powerful men reap the benefits of the War on Some Drugs - the same ones who stand and preach about it's evils. "I'm shocked, shocked to find that there is gambling going on in this establishment".

And, sure, I hate it. I think it is disgusting that so many folks are taken in by the propaganda. As I said in my previous post, what amazes me is that you rail against this money and power grab - while at the same time embracing different people using the EXACT same tactics - under the guise of "this subject is not allowed".

Just seems inconsistant to me.

Me - well, I just don't believe ANY of them.
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