broken cacti

Multiplying your cacti vegetatively.
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broken cacti

Post by seriouscereus »

I recieved a cactus that was broken, and I cut off the broken ends (they had dirt) and put the mother plant in my greenhouse. The cut parts that I cut off, can they be used as cuttings, and how do I do it? (Trichocereus pachanoi). seriouscereus
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Post by templegatejohn »

Yes, you can use the broken pieces as cuttings, but at this time of the year is not the best time to try and do this. Unless you can give it enough warmth and just as important adequate light, you are not likely to get them to root.

You could wrap them in newspaper and keep them somewhere cool, until the Spring. You may even find when you unwrap them that they have decided to root by themselves.

If you do want to try now and can give it warmth and light, the areas that have been cut need to 'scab' over or heal. This will stop any fungus getting into the body of the plant. It can then be planted in dry sandy soil (the right way up, and I am not being funny, it is so easy if both end have been cut to put it into the pot upside down). Do not water. Every 2 or 3 weeks lift the plant to see if any roots have started to grow. Do not water until you see roots forming and then be careful not to overwater.

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Post by daiv »

Here is a site dedicated to E. pachanoi...

The guy is kind of a character.
All Cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are Cacti
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very interesting site

Post by seriouscereus »

Thank you for all the helpful info and to pointing me to that site. The 'worthless' cereus looks sort of like my 'mystery' cacti.
I will wrap the cuts up in newspaper until spring. My greenhouse is not what it used to be, due to the hurricane- it was smaller and closed in pretty good, but when we heard it was coming we went out, put all the plants on the ground and flattened the whole thing and draped a net over everything as so nothing would become projectiles, and when we rebuilt it, we added on a new 10 foot section, but this also meant I did not have enough glass to seal it in good, too, so we are using builders clear visqueen(sp?) and it seems to be working pretty good with the two oil heaters I put in there.
I went in yesterday after work and the cuts on both the mother plants and the cuttings had dried over nicely, but they need to dry a bit more. I have the day off so maybe I will go out later and post some pics.
It doesn't get cold enough here to snow, it does freeze ever so occasionally, but it is not conducive right now to rooting anything as I can't keep it warm enough in there all winter.
I saw a picture on the net with one of those pachanois blooming and I said, I want THAT! Those flowers are AWESOME!!! Seriouscereus
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